Eco-Friendly Artificial Grass Qualities | US Family Turf

Artificial grass is not only found in sports fields anymore. Nowadays, it’s becoming increasingly popular for use in both residential and commercial settings. From public parks to backyards, this type of grass is the go-to for people who want the look and feel of real grass year-round with little maintenance. 

Many people think artificial grass is not eco-friendly because it is made of synthetic materials, but the truth is that it has several environmental advantages. That’s right, homeowners are going green by installing ever-green artificial lawns. 

Here are some eco-friendly artificial grass qualities that will make you consider switching from the real thing.

1. Artificial Grass Helps to Conserve Water

Water is a precious resource, and one of the main ways artificial grass is good for the environment is that it helps to conserve water. 

Unlike natural grass, artificial turf only needs to be rinsed down once in a while for cleaning and cooling. On the other hand, real grass needs water — and lots of it. The difference between the two is huge: According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), landscape irrigation accounts for nearly one-third of all residential water use in the U.S., and this distribution can go up to as high as 60% in drier regions.

With areas like Los Angeles facing prolonged drought, keeping a lawn green year-round is not only economically impractical but also bad for the environment. eco-friendly artificial grass offers a great solution for environmentally-conscious homeowners who do not want to compromise on having a great-looking backyard.

2. It Eliminates the Need for Chemicals

Real grass needs to be treated with pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer regularly to stay green and healthy. Unfortunately, most of these chemicals are synthetic and harmful to the environment. 

Pesticides and fertilizers can affect the health of humans and pets when inhaled or cause irritation when it comes into contact with our skin. To make matters worse, the dangers to the environment increase exponentially if the harsh chemicals find their way into water sources like streams, rivers, and lakes. 

Polluted water bodies affect marine wildlife and all other animals that drink from them. These toxins also make their way back into our taps, completing the circle wrought by our dangerous lawn and farm maintenance practices. 

Eco-friendly artificial grass is a good alternative because it does not need any chemicals to keep it lush, making a real difference in the amount of toxic runoff that gets into our water.

Eco-friendly Turf Is Made From Recycled Materials

Artificial turf’s environmental impact starts way before it is installed in your backyard. Many types of artificial grass are made from recycled materials. This means that they are actually helping to reduce pollution and waste. 

In the same breath, a good amount of recyclable plastic can be derived from your artificial grass. Good-quality artificial turf lasts decades but can be passed on to recycling companies when it finally deteriorates.

Save the Planet With Eco-Friendly Artificial Grass

As you can see, fake grass is a good choice for more than just its appearance. This is your cue to make the switch!  
US Family Turf specializes in creating durable and beautiful outdoor spaces using high-quality eco-friendly turf. Contact us or book a free on-site consultation for your lawn today!